Get to know me

Lets get to know me a little bit today...

What is your dream vacation? I would love to go on a cruise to somewhere warm, lots of beaches, and hikes to waterfall/pools. I also have always wanted to go to Hawaii and Bora Bora (don’t those water hut Pinterest pictures look amazing?!)

What is your favorite food? I really like treats, is that a food? Haha! I also really like pasta, parmesan rolls, steak, and salad’s.

What is your favorite candy? My whole life I have really liked Air Heads, lately I really like Mamba’s.

What is your favorite dessert? Oh man, this is tough. I would say it’s a tie between Cheesecake Factory’s Chocolate Tuxdo cheesecake and Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked ice cream.

What is your favorite soda flavor? I am always in the mood for a Dirty Dr Pepper. Lately I have been into Mtn. Dew + Blue Raspberry and Lemonade + Coconut + Blue Raspberry.

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? Camping, boating, go to movies, hangout with Brayd, relax and watch TV.

Who is your favorite genre of music? I like just about anything really. I constantly listen to pop/hip hop, country, rap, rock, sometimes I’ll play classical at work. It really depends on my mood and who I am with.

What are your worst fears? Being kidnapped, lost, or confined in a small place.

Who do you admire? I really admire my parents. Yes everyone says that, but mine are truly the most selfless, caring, loving, patient people I have ever met. They go above and beyond for not only my family, but their siblings, parents, friends, and anyone in need.

Talk about your worst scar. When I was little I was running up the street and tripped, my forehead hit a little rock and gave me about ¾ inch scratch. I constantly picked it, regardless of my mom slapping my hand every time I went near it, taping band aids on my face, etc. I absolutely hate it now, and wish I would have listened to my mama.

If you were a Disney Character, who would you be? Well, haha. My dad would read me and my sister (more my sister) the actual stories, instead of the glorified Disney ones. So I am not too sure if I was ever not scared enough to obsess over a specific one, but now I would say I am most like Tangled (don’t remember her specific name.)

How many times have you moved? The only ‘move’ I have made in my life is from the upstairs of my house, to the basement. My family has been at our house since before I was even born.

What is something spectacular you have done? My family has had the opportunity to take temporary custody of my four year old cousin. He has been with us for about a year now, and has become a completely different kid. That is pretty spectacular to me!

What can you tell us that no one knows about you? Oh man, this is a tough one. I am a very open book.. I guess despite how eager and ready I am to start the next chapter of my life (pay bills, move out, get married, buy a house, start a family, etc) – it still scares me to death, and I think it will until I get used to it a bit.

Indoors or outdoors? I love to be indoors and outdoors. The only downfall of being outdoors is sometimes my allergies kick in. Lately I have been using Peppermint Essential Oil from my work doTERRA, thanks to Kenny for recommending, and it has been working miracles.

What do you want to be when you grow up? If you would ask me this 2-6 years ago I would have told you an exact profession and location, but now my mindset is kind of changing as I grow and get older. I really think that I would enjoy being mom and maybe have a part-time job. I would like to have a part-time job for a little added income and to get out of the house for a few hours. I would love to have that job be for the company I work for now, I have really enjoyed working for doTERRA this past little while.

Soup or Salad? Salad all the way, though I do really like cream of broccoli soup, mmm!

What’s your favorite animal? I love horses, but can’t be around them a lot due to allergies. So for an animal I can be around, dogs! I love my Boxer, Brayden’s old Malamute, and would love to one day get a Golden Retriever or a Silver Weimaraner.

(Brayden's Malamute and my Boxer)
 (Silver Weimaraner - adorable huh)
(Golden Retriever)

What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked, so good!

What is your favorite color? My favorite colors are the shades between grey and black. I love darker colors.

Go to snack? Lately peeled/sliced apples with Biscoff on top. If you have not tried this, TRY IT!

What is your favorite Sport? I really like to swim!

What is your dream car? For my next car I want either a Toyota 4-runner, Jeep Rubicon, or a Toyota Tacoma. Super white, sparkle white, or maybe (very maybe) charcoal, with black rims of course. 

If you were stranded on a desert island what one item would you want to have? Brayden, if that counts as an item. I would feel completely safe with him. He is way more of the ‘survival’ type than I am, I would probably be dead in 2 days alone. Haha!

What is your favorite restaurant? For my birthday we usually go to Teppanyaki as a family. I do also like Tucano’s, if I can get a piece of chocolate cake for dessert. Yes, I am aware that is like a 2,500 calorie meal haha. I am always in the mood for a hamburger from 5 Guys, or In-N-Out as well.

What TV shows do you watch? Bachelor/Bachelorette (guilty pleasure), Pretty Little Liars, Bones, Scandal, Fringe, Dawson’s Creek, One Tree Hill, Dexter, Weeds, Parenthood, Orange Is The New Black, 24, Prision Break, Funniest Home Videos / Ridiculousness and so many more. I love TV Series, until they end, than I get all frustrated and pissy haha.

What is your favorite Vegetable? I really really like cucumbers.

How often do you paint your nails? I have a serious problem when it comes to doing my nails. I enjoy doing them, so after like 1-5 days they are redone. I usually have acrylic on with a gel overlay. My nails hardly grow anymore due to doing them so much haha!

What is your favorite clothing item? Black pants. I could wear a comfy black pair of pants every day for the rest of my life.

If you won a lot of money what would you buy? A new car within an hour (haha I want one bad), put money aside for a wedding/moneyhoon, pay off any debts, buy a house.

What time do you wakeup / go to bed? When I work 6:30 and snooze till 7:00 than 9:30-10:00, when I don’t work typically like 8:00-9:00 and then like midnight – whenever we are done doing what we are doing.

What is your favorite vacation? I love going to New York City and Florida.
Picture (2)

What is (currently) a few songs you could listen to on repeat all day?  Crazy Girl – Eli Young Band, Trumpets – Jason Derulo, Boom Clap – Charili XCX, One Grain Of Sand – Ron Pope, Play It Again – Luke Bryan, Otherside – Red Hot Chili Peppers, pretty diverse ehh?

What did you want to be growing up? I wanted to be a Nurse, a Surgeon, a radiation technologist, than a Surgical technician. It was always medical based though.

What piece of technology could you not live without? My iPhone, because I use maps constantly due to having the worst sense of direction haha! Next would probably TV’s, I really like movies and tv series. 

Have any other questions? I would love to answer them! Leave a comment below and I will get back to you within 48 hours. 

Enjoy, xoxo!

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