Meaning of my blog name

Today I am going to tell you about the meaning behind my blog name 
and why I chose to call it Make It Lively.

I started brainstorming ideas of what to call it and after a few days I had 
quite a long list of words. I narrowed my list down to one word, lively. 
The meaning of lively just kept standing out to me which made me keep 
going back to it. Here are some of the definition descriptions 
I found when searching.. 

Lively ; 

1) full of life; energy
2) very active; outgoing
3) invigorating; refreshing
4) effervescent; sparkling
5) keen; brisk

I wanted to keep this blog very fun, active, energetic, and full of life. I want to 
post about a number of things, so there is a refreshing change each week. 
I wanted to have tutorials that were simple yet beautiful in my eyes, so you 
could do them and make a little sparkle in your home. Though I will try to blog 
roughly 1-3 times a week, I want to keep this brisk so I can still enjoy my life 
with the ones I love. Everything I had hoped for this blog, fit exactly with 
the definition of lively. My mind was completely made up.

Enjoy, xoxo.

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